Comenius – Živeti skupaj (LIVING TOGETHER)
Rdeča nit projekta je socialna kohezija, ki označuje zmožnost družbe zagotoviti dobrobit za vse njene člane, s čim manjšimi neenakostmi.
Ker je pojem socialne kohezije učencem preveč tuj smo projekt poimenovali Živeti skupaj (LIVING TOGETHER).
Krovno temo smo razdelali na več manjših:
- multikulturalizem in migracije,
- medgeneracijsko sodelovanje,
- od holokavsta do človekovih pravic in
- medijsko pismenost.
Posebno pozornost bomo posvetili tudi temeljnim vrednotam, kvalitetnemu preživljanju prostega časa, kritični rabi elektronskih medijev… .
V ta namen bomo organizirali številne delavnice, kviz, raziskavo, izdelali film in voščilnice na temo vrednot, obeležili bomo dan človekove pravice in dan spomina na holokavst, izvedli Comenius dan … .
Projektno dogajanje bomo podprli s stalnimi razstavami v šolski avli.
Vrhunec projekta bo mednarodni tabor, ki se ga bodo udeležili učenci vseh partnerskih držav. V projekt bomo pa poleg naših učiteljev in učencev vključili tudi starše in stare starše.
S projektom LIVING TOGETHER želimo vzpodbuditi proces usposabljanja mladega človeka za življenje v družbi, ki temelji na medsebojnem sodelovanju enakopravnih članov, na čim večji sprejetosti in spoštovanju vsakega posameznika.
Project presentation
The common thread of our project is social cohesion strategy which denotes the capability of the society to ensure welfare to every single member with few inequalities.
The social actions taken at schools so far seem to be ad hoc. Therefore a two-year project has been planned with task oriented activities to achieve a higher level of social cohesion and to raise awareness of it. It may sound a bit more idealistic than feasible. However, our aim is the society with as little differences as possible and as much of the social acceptance irrespective of age, social and cultural background. Choosing the name for the project, we deliberately dropped the term ‘social cohesion’ because we found it too abstract and strange for the students. We believe that LIVING TOGETHER sounds friendlier and also implies the theme of the project. It is our aim that the two- year activities will grow into permanent practice even after the project is finished.
Aims and activities of the LIVING TOGETHER project can be united in four equal umbrella subthemes:
- multiculturalism and migrations
- intergenerational cooperation
- from the holocaust to human rights
- media literacy
Project activities concerning former three themes will help us generate a society in our environment based on new ethics of social responsibilities and cooperation.
To promote positive ideas the power of the media will be used and the students will be advised how media technologies are to be used wisely and responsibly. Students, their parents and grandparents, local communities and retirement homes will be participating in the project.
The culminating point of the project will be the International Camp for students where they will be organized in nationally mixed groups (in their rooms, at workshops, excursions, events).